Whisper of Memory (Whispering Woods Book 2) Read online

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  The face in the hoodie turned toward the video camera.

  “Freeze it.” Em leaned forward and squinted. “I don’t know.”

  “It’s him,” I said.

  “Yeah, I’m sure too.” Austin never took his eyes off the screen. “I believed you, Mia, but it’s just weird to see him after so long. And he’s looking around for something right here. For someone.”

  “You?” Regulus directed the question at me. He had arrived at my house only minutes after we did. I would never get used to the nonlinear time element of traveling between dimensions. “He told you to be there, correct?” He put his hand on my shoulder, and Austin scooted away slightly in the chair we shared.

  “No, I think he’s looking around for someone else. Those guys who looked like they bench press a couple of hundred pounds every morning before breakfast,” I said.

  I clicked the mouse to start the video again. Rapping on my bedroom door caused me to quickly close the video. The door opened. My dog Biscuit gleefully ran into the room at the opportunity. He sailed in one leap onto the bed and ran back and forth in a whirl of happy activity, trying to entice someone to pet him. The golden blur moved between Regulus and Em, as they were his favorite people in the room. My cairn terrier would take petting from anyone, but he seemed to gravitate to certain individuals.

  “Hi, Mr. Taylor,” said Em. “We’re, um, watching videos.”

  My dad’s expression told me that we looked guilty of something, but he didn’t know what. “I wanted to tell you that I’m driving into town. I can pick up some snacks if your friends are staying for a while.”

  “OK.” The resounding answers came from everyone but me. I had hoped to spend time alone with Regulus. I could only go out on dates on the weekend, and my Saturday was slipping away.

  “Thanks, Dad. You really don’t have to do that.” My automatic response had a defeated tone, but no one seemed to notice.

  “No problem, kids.” Dad leaned against the doorframe.

  Regulus crossed the room to my dad and held out his hand. “It is nice to see you again, Mr. Taylor. It is always a pleasure to be in your home.” He shook my dad’s hand.

  “Yes, yes. You’re welcome anytime,” Dad said.

  I caught Austin rolling his eyes while looking at the blank computer monitor. He turned back to face the doorway. “Mr. T, you could pick up some movies, and we could all watch them. Together.” His huge grin made me want to kick him.

  “Oh, I can’t stay, and you’ve got to take me home. I rode with you, remember?” said Emily. She sat on the edge of the bed in a more relaxed position. “We came over to show Mia a killer new music video and visit for a few minutes.”

  “Don’t let me interrupt then.” Dad looked at me and then his watch. “I should be back in an hour. Want me to take Biscuit out?”

  “No. You can leave him,” I said. Biscuit looked very content as Regulus rubbed his head and ears.

  “OK then. You kids have fun,” Dad said. He shut the door softly behind him.

  I opened the Internet browser and brought the video up again. Noticing the stats on the bottom of the video, I breathed a little quicker.

  “This video has been viewed over five hundred times since last week. It’s going viral, and the wrong person is going to see it. Tell Tiny he has to take it down,” I said, getting louder and shriller with each word.

  “Calm down, Mia.” Regulus’s voice cut through my hysteria. “If they were looking for video footage, it would be too late.”

  “He’s right,” Austin said in resignation. The fact that he had agreed with something that Regulus said was a small miracle. “Tiny didn’t realize that Pete’s in the footage. I’m the one who noticed it.” Austin cleared his throat. “Tiny did point out something interesting.”

  “What’s that?” I said.

  “If Bleeker’s people are looking at video footage, then they’re looking for Pete. At first, we thought they were only there to find you. Now, I’m not sure. Why would Pete need to be secretive about his whereabouts? It might be good for us to draw their attention.” Austin looked from Regulus to Arizona for confirmation. He finally rested his gaze on Regulus. “Either Pete is running from the IIA or from Bleeker’s crew.”

  “He would have no reason to run from the IIA.” Regulus’s answer was sure and defensive.

  Austin eyed Regulus suspiciously. “Why don’t we speculate that it’s Bleeker’s people then? If they know that we are all involved in finding Pete, what would they do next?”

  “Force Pete’s location from one of us. They might think we know where he is. Which we don’t.” Em muttered the words to herself.

  I started the video again from the beginning and let it play through without stopping to see his face. We watched Pete move through the crowd and stand at the booth at the end.

  “Wait. Go back. What did he do there?” Austin took the mouse away from me to click the controls of the video player. He crowded me on the chair, and I nearly fell off the seat.

  “What?” I didn’t know what I had missed.

  “He signaled someone.” Austin sat back and folded his arms in deep thought. “I thought he was alone in this. But he’s not. He’s got someone…at least one person with him.”

  “Show us this signal,” Regulus demanded.

  “Right here.” Austin clicked the video back several frames. “Here he rubs his nose and then he holds up one finger.” Austin demonstrated the movements in unison with Pete.

  Arizona snorted in an unflattering way. “He has an itch and scratched his nose. What does it mean?”

  “It’s a signal to fake bunt in baseball. What it meant on that day, I don’t know,” Austin answered. “I’ve seen it a million times on the baseball field. Can’t help it that you girlie men never played baseball.”

  Arizona shoved Austin, and I fell off the seat onto the floor, my head hitting the hard wood of my desk. “Ow!” I found myself wedged between the bed and desk chair with legs flying everywhere and Em screaming while she pried Arizona and Austin apart. Biscuit barked excitedly and lunged forward to nip Austin.

  “That’s enough!” Em took Arizona by the arm and led him to the other side of the room. “We don’t have time for you guys to act like you’re twelve. We have some serious stuff going on.”

  Em scared even me with her tone. I hadn’t seen this side of her. She was usually the silly girl who obsessed over hair and makeup.

  The silence in the room was deafening until Biscuit began growling at Austin, who stood with his hands up in the air as though surrendering. We all stared at each other as if seeing someone for the first time.

  “She’s right,” I said. “I know that you guys probably wouldn’t be friends if it weren’t for me—”

  “We’re not friends. These dudes are in your life. I can accept that.” Austin stared at Regulus. “Bottom line. We all care about you. Or at least I do. They may be using your portal locator sense—”

  “Synesthesia.” I supplied the word, then continued, “You’re going to say something we’ll both regret. Stop it.”

  Em walked to the door with Biscuit wagging his tail as he followed. “Austin, I have to go home. Come on.” She smiled, but the emotion didn’t reach her eyes. “Mia, I’ll text you later. I’ve been doing more research on the business card that Pete left you, and we can talk when you’re alone.” She looked at Austin. “Now. Gotta go.”

  Austin wouldn’t meet my eyes.

  Arizona watched Em leaving and looked regretful. “’Bye, Emily. I will behave myself next time.”

  She laughed at that. “No, you won’t. But that’s what makes you so much fun.”

  He did a little bow to her, and she winked at him before she turned and went out the door. I questioned if I hadn’t just witnessed some bizarre flirting ritual.

  “Be careful that Biscuit doesn’t get out.” I yelled down the stairs after them. He barked when he heard his name. I looked back at Regulus and Arizona. I thought the room would se
em less crowded with Austin and Emily gone, but that wasn’t the case.

  My bed looked like a small tornado had landed where Arizona and Austin had knocked it around while fighting. I straightened the comforter and pillows.

  “His hate for me is evident.” Regulus sure didn’t believe in beating around the bush.

  “He doesn’t hate you. He got into the fight with Arizona, not you.”

  “In Austin’s mind, Arizona and I are the same. He wished he was hitting me.” Regulus rubbed the back of his neck. “And Arizona should not have let his emotions rule him.”

  “Arizona did shove him,” I said. “Austin talks trash, but he doesn’t mean anything by it. He’s a good person.”

  “And he is in love with my girlfriend.”

  Chapter 2


  “Popcorn is my favorite.” Arizona popped each kernel into his mouth like it was a delicacy, grinning as he licked buttery fingertips. His blond hair hung forward and hid his eyes. His hair was much prettier than any girl’s I knew. Long and silky, it framed his tan face like a curtain when he bent his head. Then he lifted his head, and any feminine qualities ended there.

  “We have more of that,” my dad said. From his recliner across the room, he watched as Arizona dug around the kernels in the bottom of the jumbo-sized plastic bowl.

  I imagined that Dad missed Pete, and that was the reason why he kept hanging around. Regulus and Arizona weren’t the most normal guys to hang out with. I had grown up playing video games with my brother and his friends. Regulus and Arizona didn’t get into gaming. Not really. They continually argued about the reality of a game scene or relayed the time that they had actually performed the feat in real life.

  So, we watched movies, and I taught them poker. Tonight, Dad had rented an action flick, and he’d brought a chick flick for me. When he’d asked the guys if they wanted to watch the movies, they’d immediately said yes. The action movie was great, and they both enjoyed it. The chick flick was in the player for ten minutes when Dad got up.

  “That’s it for me. I’m done for the night.” He rose from his chair to head upstairs. “Make sure you lock up and turn the alarm on.” He turned out the kitchen light before pausing at the stairs. “Good night everybody. You guys drive safely when you head back to the dorm.”

  “Yes, sir. We will do that,” Regulus answered from his spot a foot away from me on the sofa.

  “Thanks for the snacks,” Arizona added.

  I turned to see Dad’s feet disappear up the stairs. The movie was not one that I would have picked. Cute guy meets perfect girl. They fall in love within minutes and then the roadblocks pop up. Regulus appeared to be mesmerized.

  “We don’t have to watch this.” I scooted closer to him on the sofa. He leaned his head back, looking tired. He put his hand out, palm up, inviting me to place mine in his.

  “I’m going to go on back. I’m getting sleepy.” Arizona yawned with his arms stretched above his head. He smiled then, and I knew that he was performing.

  “See ya later, Arizona.” I grinned back at him, knowing that he was trying to give us time alone.

  He let himself out, and I heard the motorcycle start and then pull away from the house. Leaning my head on Regulus’s shoulder, I exhaled deeply, contented.

  Regulus rubbed his thumb across my knuckles before holding it to his lips.

  A strange tingly sensation zipped through my body, and I caught my breath in anticipation. Tightly strung, I swayed closer to his shoulder and twisted to face him. He smelled of the woods. The scent of cedar and pine from his clothing filled my nose and translated to me as a warm yellow glow. He always filled me with warmth and happiness. I leaned in to nuzzle his neck.

  “Your father.”

  “Hmm. He sleeps like a log.”

  “He will not like this if he walks down here.”

  “He doesn’t sleepwalk,” I whispered with my eyes closed.

  Regulus slid his hand to the back of my hair. He drew me closer, and then we kissed. A slow easy kiss at first, and then as the pressure increased, so did my heart rate. He let go of my hand, and I clutched his shoulders.

  He pulled away. “What comes next for us, Mia?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I think you know what I am asking. This kissing is nice, but it is a catalyst.”

  “A catalyst?” I sat in stunned silence. “I’ll never get used to your way of putting something that’s supposed to be romantic.” I scooted away several inches to sit with my arms folded, tracing patterns on the knee of my jeans. I could hear his breathing in the quiet room. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him lean his head back on the sofa to stare at the ceiling.

  “My conversation will never be romantic. You know who I am. My language skills are expert level but not native.”

  “I wasn’t really complaining about your language skills.” I glanced up at him. “You don’t ever talk about your feelings.”

  Regulus sighed.

  The sound surprised me. At least it showed a level of frustration, and that was better than nothing. I touched his arm, but he continued to stare at the ceiling.

  “I yearn for you. Does it make you happy to hear that? I think about your touch and your body when I need to focus on the duties I have been given.” His voice came across flat and uncaring, but the words gave me chills.

  “Arizona said something about being in lust. It’s more than that, right?” I wished he would look at me.

  “Arizona says too much.”

  “You’re not denying it.”

  “All people our age lust. It is a physiological reaction.”

  “What if I said I didn’t?”

  “You would be lying.” He chose that moment to look into my eyes.

  He was right.

  “I think I need to go to bed. It’s getting late.”

  “If I were Arizona, I would ask to join you. But I am not. He knows the way to flirt with a girl by saying the things that make them giggle. I say what I know is true. I’m sorry if the truth makes you upset.”

  “I want the truth. And I’m fine with the way you are honest about…everything.”

  “Then it is time for me to say good night. Your father will be awake upstairs and listening for me to leave. He will be glad when he hears my motorcycle start. I may not know everything about the dating rituals here, but I do know one thing. Your dad is very afraid that our physical relationship will progress too far.”

  “Ugh. This conversation is beginning to freak me out. I would rather not hear about my dad and sex in the same sentence.”

  “I said nothing about sex in that sentence, Mia. See…you do have it on your mind.”

  And then he laughed. Relief flooded through me that he wasn’t mad.

  * * *

  “Why does it bother you? Most guys don’t like to talk about their emotions. It’s a guy thing.” Em’s persuasive voice soothed me across the phone line. Her warm tone of voice always filled my head with a pink rush of color.

  I tucked another pillow underneath my head. “I wonder if he’s had lots of girlfriends in the past.” I chewed on the edge of my thumbnail and moved the cell phone to the other ear.

  “Probably,” she said. “Look at him. I mean, you know how some poor guy might have been hit with the ugly stick? He was hit with the gorgeous stick.”

  I snorted. “That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.”

  “Uh-huh. Scale of one to ten. Come on…I think he’s a nine point nine. Right?”

  “You shouldn’t be rating my boyfriend.” I attempted to sound indignant. I failed miserably.

  “I’m just saying that he’s really fine. And he’s not an idiot. And he’s built like he plays soccer or does extreme sports—”

  “He does extreme sports. Working for the IIA isn’t for wimps.”

  “Tell me again what that stands for?”

  “Interdimensional Immigration Authorities,” I answered.

  “Do they
have some kind of entrance exam that requires you look like that?”

  “Maybe,” I said, laughing. “That would explain why he and Arizona both look that way.”

  Silence filled the phone line.

  “Do you want to talk about Arizona?”

  “Not really.”

  I waited for more. When none came, I decided to force the issue. “Look. It’s obvious that Arizona flirts his head off with you, and then you flirt back. To a degree. But then other times you act…well…like he’s the plague.”

  “I do not.” Em denied the accusation, but her response was weak. She cleared her throat. “Flirt with him.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with that, Em.”

  “I know that.” Her voice filled with defensive vibes. “Listen, I’ve gotta go.”

  Her quick exit line worried me. Usually we talked for at least an hour and the call ended only if I had to leave. Em liked to talk to me on the phone. It prevented her mom from nagging at her about being better at school, sports, or being the perfect daughter.

  “I’ll talk to you tomorrow then.” I reluctantly let her off the hook.

  * * *

  I woke from a dream about my mother. I never thought about her in my waking hours, but she had a habit of sneaking into my dreams.

  I was a small girl again. The funny thing was, she hadn’t been around during that time. The woman had left when I was a toddler, which was good because I didn’t really remember her. Or miss her. Not really.

  With my knees tucked under my chin, I tried to recall the events of the dream. Something nagged at the edge of my consciousness and swirled around. I closed my eyes tightly and attempted to see the dream behind the dark curtain of my lids, but there was nothing.

  Like the answer that comes from nowhere during a pop quiz, I visualized a brown cardboard box. The flaps on the sides were lifted, and the woman put items into the box. I watched a replay of the items moving from her hands to the box. Baby clothes and a photo album floated into the box. The hands shook as they moved to close the box’s flaps.

  I jumped from my bed and grabbed a fleece robe. Sticking my arms into the sleeves, I blindly inserted my feet into house slippers and held my breath as I cracked the bedroom door and peered into the hallway.